Business Loans & Lines of Credit
Does your business need a loan or a line of credit? Cover payroll expenses, purchase equipment, improve inventory, or consolidate debts. We work with entrepreneurs operating retail businesses, restaurants, service, and wholesale businesses, Certified Minority-Owned Businesses (MBE), and self-employees, among others. Please take a look at our list of upcoming events, or sign up here to learn more about the Technical Assistance Services available to you. Become a Business Member today and select the loan that is right for your business needs.
Loans/Credit Lines up to $20,000
Up to 60 months for term loans
Up to 24 months for lines of credit
$40 application fee
1% of loan packaging fee (paid only if the loan is approved at closing)
Additional fees may apply
Rate: 7.75% to 15.00%
Offered to start-ups operating for 2 years, established businesses, street vendors, self employees
Apply now Business Loan up to $20,000
Español: Solicite ahora -Préstamos de negocios hasta $20,000
Loans/Credit Lines over $20,000
Up to 84 months for term loans
Up to 24 months for lines of credit
$40 application fee
1.5% of loan packaging fee (paid only if the loan is approved at closing)
If other fees would be required, they will be explained in advance to the borrower
Rate: 4.5% to 13.25%
Offered to start-ups operating for 2 years and established businesses
Apply now: Business Loans over $20,000
Español: Solicite ahora -Préstamos de negocios por mas de $20,000
Neighborhood Trust FCU works with guarantee programs offered by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Capital Access Guaranty Program, offered by the New York City Economic Development Corporation to fulfill the small business community needs.
For more information, please contact us via text at (212) 740-0900 or send an email to